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Prenatal Care & Tests
Find information on choosing an obstetrician and gynecologist, prenatal checkups, prenatal tests, including Rh status testing, and more
Picking a prenatal provider: Vital for a healthy pregnancy.
Nurturing health for you and baby: Prenatal care essentials.
Essential prenatal tests for a healthy pregnancy.
Symptoms & Discomforts
Pregnancy Pains & Discomforts
Pregnancy comes with a huge range of symptoms, from the annoying to the downright unpleasant. You’re probably expecting the usual…
Morning sickness is a common condition of pregnancy – in fact, about three quarters of pregnant women suffer from nausea…
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Pregnancy Week by Week
After fertilization and implantation, a baby is at first just an embryo: two layers of cells from which all the organs and body parts will develop.

The first trimester, spanning weeks 1 to 12, is a crucial period marked by rapid changes.

Weeks 13 to 27 bring relief from early symptoms as you enter the second trimester.

In weeks 28 to 40, the third trimester is marked by rapid growth.